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Fu N, Wu F, Jiang Z, Kim W, Ruan T, Malagola E, Ochiai Y, Nápoles OCompanioni, Valenti G, White RA, et al. Acute intestinal inflammation depletes/recruits histamine-expressing myeloid cells from the bone marrow leading to exhaustion of MB-HSCs. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020.
Demir IEkin, Reyes CMota, Alrawashdeh W, Ceyhan GO, Deborde S, Friess H, Görgülü K, Istvanffy R, Jungwirth D, Kuner R, et al. Clinically Actional Strategies for Studying Neural Influences in Cancer. Cancer Cell. 2020.
Karakasheva TA, Kijima T, Shimonosono M, Maekawa H, Sahu V, Gabre JT, Cruz-Acuña R, Giroux V, Sangwan V, Whelan KA, et al. Generation and Characterization of Patient-Derived Head and Neck, Oral, and Esophageal Cancer Organoids. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol. 2020;53(1):e109.
Hata M, Kinoshita H, Hayakawa Y, Konishi M, Tsuboi M, Oya Y, Kurokawa K, Hayata Y, Nakagawa H, Tateishi K, et al. GPR30-expressing Gastric Chief Cells do not Dedifferentiate but are Eliminated via PDK-dependent Cell Competition During Development of Metaplasia. Gastroenterology. 2020.
Chang W, Wang H, Kim W, Liu Y, Deng H, Liu H, Jiang Z, Niu Z, Sheng W, Nápoles OCompanioni, et al. Hormonal Suppression of Stem Cells Inhibits Symmetric Cell Division and Gastric Tumorigenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2020.
Sheng W, Malagola E, Nienhüser H, Zhang Z, Kim W, Zamechek L, Sepulveda A, Hata M, Hayakawa Y, Zhao C-M, et al. Hypergastrinemia expands gastric ECL cells through CCK2R+ progenitor cells via ERK activation. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020.
Kunze B, Wein F, Fang H-Y, Anand A, Baumeister T, Strangmann J, Gerland S, Ingermann J, Münch NStephens, Wiethaler M, et al. Notch Signaling Mediates Differentiation in Barrett's Esophagus and Promotes Progression to Adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology. 2020.
Middelhoff M, Nienhüser H, Valenti G, H Maurer C, Hayakawa Y, Takahashi R, Kim W, Jiang Z, Malagola E, Cuti K, et al. Prox1-positive cells monitor and sustain the murine intestinal epithelial cholinergic niche. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):111.
Monje M, Borniger JC, D'Silva NJ, Deneen B, Dirks PB, Fattahi F, Frenette PS, Garzia L, Gutmann DH, Hanahan D, et al. Roadmap for the Emerging Field of Cancer Neuroscience. Cell. 2020;181(2):219-222.