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Journal Article
Beneyto-Calabuig S, Merbach AKathrin, Kniffka J-A, Antes M, Szu-Tu C, Rohde C, Waclawiczek A, Stelmach P, Gräßle S, Pervan P, et al. Clonally resolved single-cell multi-omics identifies routes of cellular differentiation in acute myeloid leukemia. Cell Stem Cell. 2023.
Much C, Auchynnikava T, Pavlinic D, Buness A, Rappsilber J, Benes V, Allshire R, O'Carroll D. Endogenous Mouse Dicer Is an Exclusively Cytoplasmic Protein. PLoS Genet. 2016;12(6):e1006095.
Lin Q, Chauvistré H, Costa IG, Gusmao EG, Mitzka S, Hänzelmann S, Baying B, Klisch T, Moriggl R, Hennuy B, et al. Epigenetic program and transcription factor circuitry of dendritic cell development. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015.
Hollmann NMerret, Jagtap PKumar Anku, Masiewicz P, Guitart T, Simon B, Provaznik J, Stein F, Haberkant P, Sweetapple LJayne, Villacorta L, et al. Pseudo-RNA-Binding Domains Mediate RNA Structure Specificity in Upstream of N-Ras. Cell Rep. 2020;32(3):107930.
Emde-Rajaratnam M, Beck S, Benes V, Salwender H, Bertsch U, Scheid C, Hänel M, Weisel K, Hielscher T, Raab MS, et al. RNA-sequencing based first choice of treatment and determination of risk in multiple myeloma. Front Immunol. 2023;14:1286700.
Pikkupeura LM, Bressan RB, Guiu J, Chen Y, Maimets M, Mayer D, Schweiger PJ, Hansen SL, Maciag GJ, Larsen HL, et al. Transcriptional and epigenomic profiling identifies YAP signaling as a key regulator of intestinal epithelium maturation. Sci Adv. 2023;9(28):eadf9460.