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Journal Article
Hayakawa Y, Nakagawa H, Rustgi AK, Que J, Wang TC. Stem cells and origins of cancer in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Cell Stem Cell. 2021.
Malagola E, Hayakawa Y, Wang TC. R-spondin signaling in the stomach: isthmal Lgr4 rules. EMBO J. 2022:e111696.
Middelhoff M, Nienhüser H, Valenti G, H Maurer C, Hayakawa Y, Takahashi R, Kim W, Jiang Z, Malagola E, Cuti K, et al. Prox1-positive cells monitor and sustain the murine intestinal epithelial cholinergic niche. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):111.
Asfaha S, Hayakawa Y, Muley A, Stokes S, Graham TA, Ericksen RE, Westphalen CB, von Burstin J, Mastracci TL, Worthley DL, et al. Krt19(+)/Lgr5(-) Cells Are Radioresistant Cancer-Initiating Stem Cells in the Colon and Intestine. Cell Stem Cell. 2015;16(6):627-638.
Sheng W, Malagola E, Nienhüser H, Zhang Z, Kim W, Zamechek L, Sepulveda A, Hata M, Hayakawa Y, Zhao C-M, et al. Hypergastrinemia expands gastric ECL cells through CCK2R+ progenitor cells via ERK activation. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020.
Chang W, Wang H, Kim W, Liu Y, Deng H, Liu H, Jiang Z, Niu Z, Sheng W, Nápoles OCompanioni, et al. Hormonal Suppression of Stem Cells Inhibits Symmetric Cell Division and Gastric Tumorigenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2020.
Worthley DL, Churchill M, Compton JT, Tailor Y, Rao M, Si Y, Levin D, Schwartz MG, Uygur A, Hayakawa Y, et al. Gremlin 1 Identifies a Skeletal Stem Cell with Bone, Cartilage, and Reticular Stromal Potential. Cell. 2015;160(1-2):269-284.
Hata M, Kinoshita H, Hayakawa Y, Konishi M, Tsuboi M, Oya Y, Kurokawa K, Hayata Y, Nakagawa H, Tateishi K, et al. GPR30-expressing Gastric Chief Cells do not Dedifferentiate but are Eliminated via PDK-dependent Cell Competition During Development of Metaplasia. Gastroenterology. 2020.
Serizawa T, Hirata Y, Hayakawa Y, Suzuki N, Sakitani K, Hikiba Y, Ihara S, Kinoshita H, Nakagawa H, Tateishi K, et al. Gastric metaplasia induced by Helicobacter pylori is associated with enhanced SOX9 expression via IL-1 signaling. Infect Immun. 2015.
C Westphalen B, Takemoto Y, Tanaka T, Macchini M, Jiang Z, Renz BW, Chen X, Ormanns S, Nagar K, Tailor Y, et al. Dclk1 Defines Quiescent Pancreatic Progenitors that Promote Injury-Induced Regeneration and Tumorigenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2016;18(4):441-455.
Hayakawa Y, Jin G, Wang H, Chen X, Westphalen CB, Asfaha S, Renz BW, Ariyama H, Dubeykovskaya ZA, Takemoto Y, et al. CCK2R identifies and regulates gastric antral stem cell states and carcinogenesis. Gut. 2014.
Hayata Y, Nakagawa H, Kurosaki S, Kawamura S, Matsushita Y, Hayakawa Y, Suzuki N, Hata M, Tsuboi M, Kinoshita H, et al. Axin2 peribiliary glands in the periampullary region generate biliary epithelial stem cells that give rise to ampullary carcinoma. Gastroenterology. 2021.